Family Tree Family tree for the following surnames Hamer, Hunt, Marston, Alexander, Lowe, Jenkins, Scott, Prosser and Rowlands in Monmouthshire, Glamorgan, Gloucestershire, Wiltshire, Ireland and Montgomery.
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Lancaster Family Tree Family tree for the following surnames Briggs, Butterfield, Lancaster, Ormandy, Postlethwaite and Tyson in Lancashire and Cumberland.
Finney Family Tree Family tree for the following surnames Bentley, Finney, Rushton, Salt, Ward and Whitehurst in Shropshire, Staffordshire, Northamptonshire and Worcestershire.
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Genetic & Quantative Aspects of Genealogy A monograph concerned with the classification, graphic representation, measurement and coding of human relationships. It also explains the significance and harmful consequences of inbreeding. Other aspects of genealogy included are: generation intervals, legal constraints on the marriage of relatives and present rules for the inheritance of property.
Haemochromatosis There are people in this family tree who have the condition haemochromatosis. This is a genetically inherited condition, click on the link for more information.